Road Accidents (Entrevistas e Pareceres em vitimas de Acidentes de Viação)

10/05/2008 01:29



Contact us after you are discharged from hospital

In accordance with current legislation, there is a new National Table for Civil Law applicable mainly to road accidents. This instrument is intended exclusively for use by specialist doctors

possessing the necessary skills with regard to medical expert reports and assessment of bodily injury, i.e. experts familiar with the principles of medical/legal assessment in the setting of Civil Law.

Submit an expert opinion

Our methodology consists in preparing reports or expert opinions on accident victims, structured in such a way as to ensure full reparation of the damages suffered.

Given that reparation for bodily injury generally takes the form of compensation (as a result of the physical impossibility of restoring victims to their previous state), technically irreproachable expert opinions are the only way to guarantee fair restitution to victims of road accidents.

Request our assistance

We promote expert medical defence for the purpose of committees, hearings and other procedures necessary to the pursuit of compensation for material and immaterial damage assessed in our reports.


De acordo com a lei, existe uma nova Tabela Nacional para o Direito Civil aplicável essencialmente aos acidentes de viação. O referido instrumento pericial destina-se a ser utilizado exclusivamente por médicos especialistas com competência na avaliação do dano corporal, ou seja, por peritos conhecedores dos princípios da avaliação médico-legal no âmbito do Direito Civil.

Apresente um parecer

A nossa metodologia consiste em realizar, às vítimas de acidentes, relatórios ou pareceres organizados de forma a garantir a salvaguarda da reparação integral do prejuízo sofrido.

Dado que a reparação do dano corporal se traduz, em regra, na fixação de uma indemnização (em virtude da impossibilidade material da plena restituição ao estado anterior) só o recurso a pareceres tecnicamente irrepreensíveis poderá garantir que o direito a um justo ressarcimento seja obtido pelas vítimas da sinistralidade rodoviária.

Solicite o nosso acompanhamento

Promovemos a defesa médico-pericial dos examinados nas juntas, audiências e outras diligências necessárias para a defesa do dano patrimonial e não patrimonial arbitrado nos nossos relatórios.

mamede albuquerque

Para consultar a Nova Tabela   CLIQUE EM:





Contact us

In accordance with current legislation, there is a new National Table for Civil Law applicable mainly to road accidents. This instrument is intended exclusively for use by specialist doctors

possessing the necessary skills with regard to medical expert reports and assessment of bodily injury, i.e. experts familiar with the principles of medical/legal assessment in the setting of Civil Law.

Submit an expert opinion

Our methodology consists in preparing reports or expert opinions on accident victims, structured in such a way as to ensure full reparation of the damages suffered.

Given that reparation for bodily injury generally takes the form of compensation (as a result of the physical impossibility of restoring victims to their previous state), technically irreproachable expert opinions are the only way to guarantee fair restitution to victims of road accidents.

Request our assistance

We promote expert medical defence for the purpose of committees, hearings and other procedures necessary to the pursuit of compensation for material and immaterial damage assessed in our reports.


Consulte-nos após a alta clínica